Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two more weeks of school... OH MY!

I've said it once, or twice, or a million times... but I will say it again, "WHERE DOES THE TIME GO"?!  It seems like just yesterday I was getting my kids ready for their first day of school and here we are facing just two weeks until summer break.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE summer break, I just cannot believe how fast the school year went.  Juliana is getting ready to complete her first year of middle school!  I don't understand how I can possibly be old enough to have a child going into sixth grade, I can remember sixth grade in such detail, it makes this almost surreal.  She had her end of year concerts for school, she is in both band and chorus and loves them both.  We opted her out of Spanish so she could be in both music programs (I know, bad parents, but does it really matter if she can count to 100 in Spanish).

Ready for her band concert (she's a drummer/percussionist)

Ready for her chorus concert:

She is almost done with her first season of travel soccer:

Here she is sleeping with the cat, it has nothing to do with school, it's just cute:

Tyler is about to end his 3rd grade year, and will be beginning his final year at Elementary School in the Fall.  That just makes me want to scream!  He's my baby, and getting too big.

He had a project to do on the history of our town, he took all the pictures himself:

Yesterday was his 3rd grade recorder/chorus concert:

He made a recycled robot:

And his mohawk is back:

That's all for us right now... two more weeks and our summer will officially kick off!  Woo hoo!!

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