Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer projects.

I am what some (most) would call a procrastinator.  I put things off until the very last minute and then somehow get them done at the last second.  I wish I wasn't that way, but it's ingrained in me, it just how I operate.  When the kids went back to school last fall I said I wanted to paint the kitchen/living room, the color we had was dark, I don't like dark, and really wanted to lighten it up.  Well my goal was to do it while the kids were in school, but thanks to my great procrastination abilities it never was done.  Now it's summer and I want to brighten up the house, so I find myself doing it while they are home.  It takes much longer as I have to make meals, patch boo boos, and look at Lego creations all while painting, but I am so happy I am FINALLY getting it done.

Here is the beginning of the progress, this is the primer and it's already looking brighter.

I walked by one of the primed walls and this is what I saw (those are not my handprints).

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