Monday, August 26, 2013

10 Random things....

10 Random things about.... me:

1.  When I was a kid I wanted to be a drummer (although I never had and never will have any musical talent).
2.  Watermelon is my most favorite food in the entire world (pizza is a close second).
3.  One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says, "Have a good one..." (finish the sentence for crying out loud).
4.  I won't go into a store in the mall if there aren't any other customers (who needs all that pressure to buy something).
5.  New Kids on the Block is my absolute favorite band/group EVER!!!! (some may say I am obsessed, I think I am just an overly enthusiastic fan).
6.  I hate feet (seriously if I didn't need mine to walk I would have them removed).
7.  I am not so good at math (I stand behind my kids with a calculator when they do their homework to without them knowing I have one).
8.  I think it's funny when adults fall (not when they get hurt, but that face they make when they know they are going down yet they try to stop themselves, it cracks me up).
9.  I think I am at the age when I think I am cooler then I really am (what do you mean I am closer to 50 then 20)!
10.  I am not great at house cleaning (if my house is clean when you come over it's because I ran around like a mad woman 20 minutes before you got here).

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