Sunday, January 5, 2014

The elusive New Year's Revolution....

It's that time a year again, the start of a new year, the time for everyone to sit down and think about what they want out of life for the new year.  I personally am not even sure I think making resolutions is a good idea, and every year I say the same two things, I am going to diet/exercise more and organize my house, and every year I am a little disappointed (although not surprised) I barely met my resolutions.  This year I thought I would mix things up and actually write them down (if it doesn't help I give up).

So without further ado, here are my 2014 New Year's Resolutions (can you handle the excitement)!

1.  I will blog more, this seems like a good place to start since I am writing this on my blog.  I have so many thoughts and ideas running through my head, it's time I started sharing more.

2.  I will wear yoga pants more.  Okay this may not be a true New Year's resolution, but it's F#@&ing freezing outside and I am wearing yoga pants right now and I am comfortable and happy!  I think for that reason alone yoga pants should be worn more often.

3.  To take better care of myself.  This is a big one and one that everyone should follow (I'm not saying everyone shouldn't follow the yoga pants resolution, just this one may be a bit more important).  Last year I spent a good portion of the year feeling run down and tired all the time.  I kept putting off going to the doctor and once I did it changed everything.  I ended up finding out I was quite anemic and deficient in Vitamin D, a few supplements and I am feeling so much better, I just wish I hadn't waited so long to go to the doctor.  I also should have an exercise routine, I am quite sporadic about it right now and I know if I put it into my schedule I would be sure to get it done.  And of course eating healthy is never a bad goal either.  

4.  Spend more time with my photography.  I have been a photographer since I was 10, okay maybe not a professional since then, but I have always loved taking pictures (remember 110 cameras).  I've been taking pictures professionally since 2005 and I love it.  Last year was a slow year for me, but I think a lot of that had to do with me being lazy (or tired because I put off going to the doctor).  This year I want to put more time and energy into taking more pictures of more people and anything else that tickles my fancy.

5.  This is one of my favorites, travel more!  I love to travel and try to do it as much as possible (more like as much as we can afford).  Last year we traveled to Florida, went on a cruise to Mexico, took a road trip to DC and Atlantic City, and did a few overnights in upstate New York, Boston, and New York City.  This year I hope to be able to do more.  Not only do I love to travel, but Steve and the kids do as well, so I am hoping our suitcases will be packed often!

6.  My last and probably one that everyone could follow is to HAVE MORE FUN!  I sometimes get stuck in the everyday of life, and I forget to have fun.  Often when I am laying in bed at night I am not thinking about how much fun I had that day, I am thinking about what bills have to be paid and where I have to drive the kids the next day.  I am not thinking about how I doubled over in laughter, I am thinking about how I doubled over in pain when I dropped the laundry basket on my toes.  I am not saying everyday will be a free for all fun extravaganza (although that sure does sound fun), I am saying that I will put more effort into planning things that are fun.  I will remember to relax and just be silly and laugh with the kids.  I will smile more and stress less.  I really hope out of all my resolutions this one I will achieve, because let's face it, having fun sounds fun.

So there you have it, my 2014 New Year's Resolutions!  Like everyone I am an imperfect human being and probably won't reach all of my goals, but I am going to try (I am already wearing yoga pants, so in my book I am ahead of the game)!  

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