Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A victim no more...

I am proud to announce that I am no longer a victim to the pile of papers that always seems to accumulate on my countertop!  My kids bring home so much paper from school and I'd always add it to the "pile" so I could get to it later.  Well later always seems to happen when the pile would get so tall it had no choice but to fall over, spilling papers all over the floor.  Thankfully for me, my friend Shirley came to the rescue.  She suggested a "paper station" on my kitchen countertop.  Right before school started I bought my station and folders, and even dusted off my labeler and labeled each folder.  Now when the kids come home with paperwork I have a place to put it.  I feel so accomplished, I always want to be one of those organized people, and though I have a far way to go, I feel like I am moving in the right direction.

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