I am a Mom of two, a wife, and a photographer. I try to find happiness in the simple things in life, but I also love the big things. Sometimes I look at life through a lens, sometimes through Mom eyes, sometimes through wife eyes, and sometimes through my own opinionated eyes. My thoughts are my own, my ideas are my own, my photos are my own. Sharing these is something I've decided to do here.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Then Juliana decided to dance with Lucy, she spun her around and I got the following picture, isn't she beautiful.
Meanwhile, Tyler found a baby frog to play with. He's always looking for frogs, toads, and worms. He was very excited about this little guy, he kept saying how cute he was and walked around with him for a half hour. I think the frog liked him too, because he never attempted to jump off his hand (perhaps he was a smart frog and didn't want to jump to his death).
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tooth time!
This has been a super exciting week for Tyler, he lost his first tooth! He's been wiggling it and shaking it for weeks. Finally last weekend it got really, really loose, but then he couldn't pull it because it hurt. Sunday morning he was in his room playing Legos and I heard him run out of his room screaming with excitement, "Mommy, my toof fell out"! He even took me into his room to reenact how it fell out. He was sitting on his floor playing Legos and saw something fall, he thought it was a Lego, but picked it up and it was his tooth. He asked all day if it was nighttime yet, starting at 8:30 in the morning. He went to bed with the tooth and a note under his pillow for the tooth fairy. I heard him wake up at 5:00 am yelling, "Juliana the tooth fairy left me money"! Seeing him so excited was just as exciting for me as it was for him to feel that way.