I am a Mom of two, a wife, and a photographer. I try to find happiness in the simple things in life, but I also love the big things. Sometimes I look at life through a lens, sometimes through Mom eyes, sometimes through wife eyes, and sometimes through my own opinionated eyes. My thoughts are my own, my ideas are my own, my photos are my own. Sharing these is something I've decided to do here.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Should I just give up?
My kids are messy, messy kids! They leave things everywhere and I often say I feel like I am chasing my tail trying to keep up with the mess. I took my camera into the playroom and their rooms the other day to just be able to document and show them when they are older what I have been dealing with. I actually just sent them upstairs to clean their rooms a few minutes ago, they may not emerge for many, many hours.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It's the simple things....
To me summer is all about the simple things. Going to the beach, cooking out in the back yard, watching the kids ride their bikes or color the driveway with chalk.... the list goes on and on. I am always amazed at how much fun my kids have with a $30 inflatable pool. Splashing and cooling off are fun to do, but Juliana and Tyler LOVE to jump!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Beautiful Girl...
I have a girl and her name is Juliana and she is beautiful. I know every parent thinks their kids are beautiful, and I am no exception. Juliana is 8 years old and turning into a beautiful young lady. It's hard to believe how big she is getting. It seems like just yesterday she was my little girl:
Now she's so grown up:
Changes are happening...
It's been so long since I have updated. The end of the school year is always so busy, and this year was no exception. Tyler had an Author's Tea, he read a story he wrote on his own. It was about Lizzie the Lizard, she was struck by a big wave. He was so adorable wearing his "fancy" clothes standing in front of an audience using the microphone. And Juliana had a third grade concert. They sang, they danced, and they played the recorder. The dance was my favorite part. They were all matched up with a partner and then switched several times through out the song, it was fabulous!
They also had field day. They both always say it's the best day of school. I think that's because there is zero learning they do that day.
They are now in the 4th and 2nd grade! They are both excited about summer vacation, but looking forward to school starting again in the fall.
They also had field day. They both always say it's the best day of school. I think that's because there is zero learning they do that day.
They are now in the 4th and 2nd grade! They are both excited about summer vacation, but looking forward to school starting again in the fall.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My silly boy.
I have a boy and his name is Tyler but we call him "meatball". Why meatball you ask, well he's just silly and meatball is a silly name. Actually his dad calls him that most, but Juliana and I have definitely caught on to the trend. He makes me laugh all the time and he loves that. He can just make a silly face or say something that doesn't make sense and I can't help but giggle. Sometimes when he says things that are not appropriate, it's hard for me to tell him to stop or punish him, because I can't stop laughing about it. When we were in California he made up a song, "Boobies for breakfast", he's six and that's just wrong, but boy oh boy, I couldn't stop laughing! Whenever there is a camera around he is always ready to be silly, these are a couple of examples from this past week.
Maybe, just maybe he gets a little of that from me!
Life's too short to take seriously all the time. I think there is a little bit of "Meatball" in all of us!